/tmp/cbenn.jpg First Steps Facilitator Training - Gauteng - First Steps

First Steps Facilitator Training – Gauteng

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Date(s) - 16/02/2018 - 17/02/2018
9:00 am - 5:00 pm


Exciting news all Evergreen Parenting Facilitators and Consultants!

The 1st First Steps Facilitator Training will take place in Gauteng 16 and 17 February 2018. The aim of this two day workshop is to equip individuals the become First Step facilitators.

First Steps Evergreen Parenting was developed out of the need to empower and encourage parents with no or little educational background. It is a practical, interactive course to address the needs of multi-cultural communities irrespective of language or literacy levels. The material is fully adaptable to ensure relevance to the course attendees.

The material was developed with the help of a team who have experience working in the following fields: formal education, social work, family therapy, farm worker training, adult literacy, rural upliftment work and more.

For more info regarding the costs and process, please visit our First Steps website

For more info, please contact nanette@firststeps.org.za or to Register click here

Please note that communication regarding the venue will be sent via email closer to the date.