Process for existing Evergreen Parenting Facilitators

Attend a 16 hour First Steps training seminar (R 2500) or

First Steps Online training via the the Web Learning Management System (R 2500). Please note the study option will only be available late 2017/2018

You can ask to pay it over 3-4 months. First payment must be in 2 weeks before training (R850)


Choose between two types of Licenses:

1.Community Service License:

  • You only want to train parents in your community and you see it as a part of a ministry
  • Cost to register: R300 once of Fee
  • You may charge the parents R50-R100. The community is responsible for food and drinks and a venue

Requirement from First Steps Facilitator:

  • Quarterly report submitted online on the First Steps website
  • Photos/good stories/video clips from your seminars


2.Sponsorship License:

  • You want to train parents / ECD personal of large companies
  • Cost to register: R1000 once of fee

This licence allows:

  1. You can use our banking details for the money to be paid in
  2. We will assist with quotations and sending of invoices to the company
  3. You can ask up to R600 pp including venue, meals, drinks and your cost.

Requirement from First Steps Facilitator:

  • 30% commission is payable to First Steps
  • First Steps must receive an invoice for every seminar
  • Feedback after each workshop submitted online on the First Steps website
  • Photos/good stories/video clips from your seminars


Write the First Step online exam (80 % pass rate required)

Non-Evergreen Parenting facilitators process