Non-Evergreen facilitators:

Training Costs:

R3300 – It is a 2 day (16 hour) course, that includes 2 Evergreen Parenting DVD’s ( The trees in our Garden and Say yes to Healthy Authority) Trainers manual, Facilitator’s Workbook ,Venue and  2 light lunches, exam fee and web registration fee.

You will write the exam during the training.

Pass rate is 80%

If money is a problem please contact  Irene Smit,

Evergreen facilitators:

Training Costs:

R2900 – It is a 1 and 1/2  day course, that includes your Trainers manual, Parent’s Workbook(after finishing the exam), Venue and 2 light lunches, exam fee and web registration fee.

You will write the exam during the training.

Pass rate is 80%

If money is a problem please contact  Irene Smit,